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The best web admin panel for your iRedMail server
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Full Features List of iRedAdmin-Pro

Unlimited Accounts

Forget about the products which pricing based on number of mailboxes, you can create as many mail accounts (domains, users, mailing lists, aliases, admins) as you want with iRedMail and iRedAdmin-Pro.

Domain-Level Admins

Either promote a mail user to domain admin role, or create a separated domain admin account to manage his/her own mail domains.


Allow users to login to manage their own preferences like password, mail forwarding, white/blacklists, quarantined mails, basic spam policy.

Per-user Service Control

Just one click to enable or disable mail services for mail user: POP3, IMAP, SMTP, sieve filter, mail forwarding, BCC, and more.


Global, per-domain and per-user throttling based on: max size of single message, number of max inbound/outbound messages per time unit.


Manage greylisting, whitelists, blacklists, spam policy, quarantined emails. You can even whitelist or blacklist sender/recipient in quarantined mails with one click.


Search accounts with domain name, email address, display name. You can also manage searched accounts in search result page, such as enable/disable/delete account.

Log Admin Activities

iRedAdmin-Pro logs normal admin activities, such as account creation, activation, removal, password change, and more.

Multi-language Support

Thanks to our translators, web UI of iRedAdmin-Pro now supports multiple languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Chinese, and more.

Comparison: iRedAdmin Open Source Edition (OSE) vs iRedAdmin-Pro

Choose the one matches your needs

Feature iRedAdmin (OSE) iRedAdmin-Pro
Localized Web Interface
English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Chinese, and more.
RESTful API Interface
Read our API documentation.
Unlimited Mail Domains
Host as many mail domains as you want
Unlimited Mail Users
With per-user mailbox quota control
Unlimited Mailing List/Aliases
Manage members, access policies
Unlimited Domain-Level Admins
Either promote a mail user to domain admin role, or create a separated domain admin account
Advanced Domain Management
Domain-level mailbox quota, limit numbers of user/list/alias accounts, Relay, BCC, Alias Domain, Catch-all, Backup MX, Throttling, Greylisting, Whitelists, Blacklists, Spam Policy, user password length and complexity control
Advanced User Management
Per-user BCC, Relay, Mail Forwarding, Alias Addresses, Throttling, Greylisting, Whitelists, Blacklists, Spam Policy, restrict login IP/network, Changing email address
Allow end user to manage their own preferences: Password, Mail Forwarding, Whitelists, Blacklists, Quarantined Mails, Spam Policy
Service Control
One click to enable/disable mail services for mail user: POP3, IMAP, SMTP, Sieve filter, Mail Forwarding, BCC, and more.
Spam/Virus Quarantining
Quarantine detected SPAM/Virus into SQL PostgreSQL database for later management (delete, release, whitelist, blacklist)
View basic info of all sent and received emails
Sender, Recipient, Subject, Spam Score, Size, Date
Based on: max size of single email, number of max inbound/outbound emails, cumulative size of all inbound/outbound emails
Whitelisting, Blacklisting
Based on: IP addresses/networks, Sender address, Sender domain name
Searching Account
Searching with display name or email address, domain name
Log Maildir Path of Deleted Dail User
You can delete the mailbox on file system later, either manually or with a cron job
Log Admin Activities
Account creation, activation, removal, password change, and more.
Fail2ban Integration
View info of banned IP address (Country/City, reverse DNS name), log lines which triggerred the ban (easy to troubleshoot why the ban happened), and unban it with one click
Last login track
View the time of user last login via IMAP and POP3 services, also the time of last (locally) delivered email
Export all managed mail accounts
Export statistics of admins


What People Said

iRedAdmin-Pro is a mature product with great support and ongoing development. I could not give it a higher recommendation.

Bruce MacKay, Dec 13, 2012.